Our Future Life

Our Future Life is a new initiative working to create the world's most inclusive brainstorm on our shared future. In collaboration with Arizona State University, Gesda, ITU, RSA, World Economic Forum, and XPrize Foundation, Our Future Life is a global challenge for anyone and everyone to share their vision of the future with the world through the creation of short videos and films. It aims to put insights from our collective imagination into the hands of policymakers, decision-makers, creators and future shapers of all kinds.

Our Future Life approached the TASC Platform to host the incubation of this new initiative and support coordination, planning and events in International Geneva – to be close to the community of policymakers and international organizations it seeks to inform. Together we are organizing workshops to inform project design, mentoring students to solve the challenges of the future, and convening stakeholders and supporters in the run-up to the first edition of the Global Challenge in 2023.

The first Global Challenge will culminate in a film festival and global summit, and launch a repository of videos and short films for open access by policy, decision-makers and future-shapers of all kinds. This first edition is intended to focus on The Future of Work – addressing subjects such as Artificial Intelligence, technology transformation and human-centred work-lives.


Future Generations Balance Sheet


The Women Leading Well Experience