Introducing The Business & Conflict Community of Practice

Annika Erickson-Pearson, Facilitator and Community Organizer introduces the Business and Conflict Community, a new addition the wider TASC Platform Community.

Operating ethically, sustainably and constructively in difficult global contexts presents a formidable challenge for businesses. And the professionals who analyze the landscape, develop global norms for accountability, and/or provide tools or support to assist companies, investors and other relevant actors to navigate these challenging issues simply cannot be effective as siloed actors.

To be effective across the broad range of regional contexts where they are called upon to work, these professionals require candid support, advice, and insight from peers, academics, experts and practitioners. In late 2022, a Community of Practice on Business and Conflict emerged in order to provide space and structure for that informal exchange and trust-building.

In August 2024, the TASC Platform, together with the Geneva Trade Platform, became a co-host of that community!

The community’s main objective is to create a safe space for discussion, information exchange, and intentional relationship building among professionals working at the intersection of business, human rights, and conflict. It has grown into a structured group connecting and enhancing the work of over 200 professionals across 6 continents working in different ways to support a broad range of organizations with responsible business conduct in conflict-affected contexts and complex environments.

Community membership is diverse, and includes a number of archetypes. There are:

  • international organizations working to advance international standards and guidelines for business conduct in conflict-affected areas;

  • academics reviewing case studies and offering critical analysis of the field; and

  • small consultancies and law firms working directly with companies and investors on their strategies and implementation, among many others. 

Current representatives of businesses are also invited to specific meetings for which it is determined that an exchange directly with business would be helpful in both directions. For example, investors were invited to an exchange about responsible investment, both to ground and enrich the discussion among community members, but also to influence their thinking and work.

Each community of practice is structured and animated differently, serving the demand-driven needs of its members. This community:

  • meets online once every (other) month,

  • exchanges views on a private online community managed by TASC, and

  • comes together in-person annually in Geneva on the sidelines of the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights.

Partnership and support from its new co-hosts will allow the community to flourish, enriching the field-wide conversation on responsible business, as well as the personal learning of its members.

Membership is limited to those working directly on these issues; interested individuals can contact the Community Manager:

Annika Erickson-Pearson, at to learn more


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