Seeking solutions to future challenges 

We convene regular dialogues, events and workshops, both online and in-person, in response to the needs and interests of our network. Please contact us if you would like to co-convene an event.

Filtering by: “Workshop”

Imagining the future of work in an AI-driven world

Imagining the future of work in an AI-driven world

AI is advancing faster than even technology experts predicted, and the impact on the world of work is a central concern. As the capabilities of generative AI rise exponentially, human imagination is struggling to keep up. Can imagine a future of meaningful cooperation with advanced technology – or a world where goods and value could be created without human work? What would these different realities mean for our future lives and lifestyles, and for our collective welfare, wellbeing, and wealth – and what future would we want?

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This panel will explore the pathways and challenges for integration for peoples of migratory and displacement backgrounds. It will highlight and explore the exclusionary dynamics of migratory regimes, and how these might be challenged. In particular, the panel will also focus on how migration, gender, and digital world(s) intersect in processes of migration, exclusion, and inclusion. The gathered activists will focus on their own lived experiences and share how all might intervene and construct their own advocacy agendas to construct truly inclusive societies in Switzerland, in particular, and globally, more broadly.

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Roundtable: Youth Voice for the Future of Work

Roundtable: Youth Voice for the Future of Work

Organized by the TASC Platform and World YMCA. This youth-moderated roundtable will bring together young leaders to explore the unprecedented changes to work as we know it, and their implications for young people today and in the future. The goal is to provide a space for young people to discuss key issues about the future of work and the future of work they want.

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The future of work and artifical intelligence

The future of work and artifical intelligence

Organised by Geneva Macro Labs in partnership with SwissCognitive, the CognitiveValley, the TASC Platform, Transform.AI, the International Labour Organisation, RegHorizon, The Enterprise for Society Centre, UNITAR, the Futures Lab of the University of Lausanne, Microsoft AI and LinkedIn.

This interactive event brings together policy makers, thought leaders, academics and practitioners to explore the technological capabilities, use-cases, challenges and solutions presented by Artificial Intelligence for the Future of Work.

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The Future of Networking: Speed Networking Event

The Future of Networking: Speed Networking Event

For many of us, 2020 not only transformed the way we work, but the way we connect and build relationships with one another. Through 2021, the TASC Platform hosted a series of networking events with the aim of exploring the future of networking in a digital world testing different tools and platforms for virtual networking, discussing the magic ingredients that spark valuable interactions, and, most importantly, strengthening connections within our new TASC Community!

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